Sir Eric Matthew Gairy Botanical Gardens, St. George's, Grenada, W.I.
Fax: +1 (473) 440-4116

Government Notices

Government Notices

Notices published here cover all aspects of government concern and regulation.

This documentation reports the findings of the assessment of potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed geothermal exploration drilling activity, which is the current phase of the Grenada Geothermal Energy Development Project (the Project). The Project is of critical strategic importance to Grenada. The successful implementation of 15MW of baseload renewable geothermal power to the national grid is the foundational cornerstone of the ongoing process of transforming Grenada's economy to one powered by indigenous renewable energy. This public disclosure of the exploration drilling ESIA is a critical step in ensuring transparency in the review and oversight process for environmental and social safeguards.
This documentation reports the findings of the assessment of potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed geothermal exploration drilling activity, which is the current phase of the Grenada Geothermal Energy Development Project (the Project). The Project is of critical strategic importance to Grenada. The successful implementation of 15MW of baseload renewable geothermal power to the national grid is the foundational cornerstone of the ongoing process of transforming Grenada's economy to one powered by indigenous renewable energy. This public disclosure of the exploration drilling ESIA is a critical step in ensuring transparency in the review and oversight process for environmental and social safeguards.
This documentation reports the findings of the assessment of potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed geothermal exploration drilling activity, which is the current phase of the Grenada Geothermal Energy Development Project (the Project). The Project is of critical strategic importance to Grenada. The successful implementation of 15MW of baseload renewable geothermal power to the national grid is the foundational cornerstone of the ongoing process of transforming Grenada's economy to one powered by indigenous renewable energy. This public disclosure of the exploration drilling ESIA is a critical step in ensuring transparency in the review and oversight process for environmental and social safeguards.
This documentation reports the findings of the assessment of potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed geothermal exploration drilling activity, which is the current phase of the Grenada Geothermal Energy Development Project (the Project). The Project is of critical strategic importance to Grenada. The successful implementation of 15MW of baseload renewable geothermal power to the national grid is the foundational cornerstone of the ongoing process of transforming Grenada's economy to one powered by indigenous renewable energy. This public disclosure of the exploration drilling ESIA is a critical step in ensuring transparency in the review and oversight process for environmental and social safeguards.
The Caribbean Resilient Renewable Energy Infrastructure Investment Facility (RREIIF) Project provides countries access to regional IDA to address funding needs for more renewable energy integration investment in their grids.
The Caribbean Resilient Renewable Energy Infrastructure Investment Facility (RREIIF) Project provides countries access to regional IDA to address funding needs for more renewable energy integration investment in their grids. The regional support will allow these countries to address their barriers related to scale and leverage regional IDA support, and it will ensure that national IDA will be focused on the immediate needs of these countries in terms of social sectors and disaster management.
Grenada (the Recipient) will implement the Caribbean Resilient Renewable Energy Infrastructure Investment Facility Project, with the involvement of the Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy, as set out in the Financing Agreement and the Grant Agreement.

This integrated document contains the ESCPs for Guyana, Saint Lucia, Grenada, OECS Commission and Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE).

Government of Grenada

The State of Grenada consists of three islands- Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique which form the southern end of the Windward Islands.

  • Sir Eric Matthew Gairy Botanical Gardens, St George’s, Grenada W.I.
  • +1 (473) 440-2255